Friday, December 12, 2008

Mother's Choice

I agree with you Texas may have all these laws for abortion, but it is so totally up to the mother of the fetus to either have it or not to have it. I think that there should be more information about the different procedures and the effects it will cause in the long run. The side effects for the mental state of the female before and after, to really make sure that she ok after and doesn’t suffer from P.A.S.S. I agree that kids do cost a lot of money , when having kids you have to think about the finical situation that you are in and if you have the baby would have to ask yourself this question “ can you support a baby and also yourself”. What happens if the mother gets raped and gets pregnant and decides to have an abortion, it is totally up to the mother, there has been some cases that the mother has choose to keep it or to have an abortion, it is totally up to that person. That’s what makes it the women choice, to do what’s best for them. So like this blog I agree Women have the Right to choose what they want happen to their body and if they can have support they baby and themselves.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Survey: Texas voters increasingly unhappy with GOP

Texas voters are more and more unhappy with the state's Republican leaders and are open to the idea of electing a Democrat as governor in the next election, according to a new survey by an established GOP pollster. The survey, conducted by David Hill, raises questions about whether the Republican Party might be in trouble after a decade of political control in Texas. "The poll results challenge the conventional wisdom that Texas is a solidly red state," said Mr. Hill. Texas voters don't think the GOP is delivering government that is low-cost, in-touch or devoted to the common good, the poll shows. In the awakening of these polls it good news for the Democrats, who have seen a steady gain in the Legislature over the past six years or so. For, Governor Rick Perry who plans to seek re-selection in 2010 this polls are a warning for what is to come in the future. The polls say that change is coming and its coming soon, and the people are speaking up and they want is a leader for the people. The poll is the most extensive survey of voter opinion in Texas since the November elections. Among the finding in the polls:

•When asked if they were likely to vote for Republicans or Democrats for governor or the Legislature in the next election, without a specific name attached, 45 percent said Democrats and 31 percent said Republican.

•Fewer than half (45 percent) of voters say they approve of the job Texans are doing in state government. When asked whether they think Republican elected officials in the state have done well enough to deserve re-election, only 32 percent of voters said yes, while 54 percent were open to giving Democrats a chance in office.

•The conservative GOP base – 21 percent of the overall electorate – is significantly concerned with the issues of illegal immigration and protecting traditional values. But Mr. Hill found that the party's potential for growth lies in focusing more on pocketbook issues, including property-tax cuts and reductions in state spending.

•Voters overwhelmingly cite dismay with President George W. Bush as a factor in the GOP's image problem but also blame state leaders for failing to connect with younger voters and Hispanics.

So by these findings by Mr. Hill Texas people are ready for CHANGE. Changes in the way things are run by republicans, change up the system let the democrats have a voice, which in turn are the people’s voice.

Friday, November 21, 2008

On RicksGovernmentblog he talked about Bush coming home to Texas after his presidency when finished and how he gave our government a bad name. When Bush comes back Texas he will bankrupt this state.Bush has many companies in Texas,so what Rick was trying to or is saying is that whatever Bush touches whither it be companies or government issues everything turns to shit.In the blog Rick is saying that he hope Bush doesn't destroys the State of Texas great name and turn it to shit.So in conclusion when Bush comes back to Texas i hope he lays low and play it smart . A least don't do anything stupid and help the rest of the United States getting out of the res scion instead of potentially digging us in a deeper hole.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lawmakers want to slow tuition hikes at Texas public universities

Texas universities broke their promise to keep tuition reasonable, lawmakers said, and now they are proposing to freeze the rates schools can charge for higher education. This will be good news for college students and future college students. Legislators gave public universities power to set their own tuition rates in 2003. Since then, tuition prices have skyrocketed upward an average of 53 percent, according to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. At the University of Texas at El Paso, tuition and fees have grown by 57 percent in the past five years. This has been crazy because I went to UT of El Paso and the tuition was reasonable, but now I bet it something in the UT of Austin range or even higher. One of the senators “Chuy” Hinojosa proposed the Hinojosa's bill, which was filed; tuition rates would be frozen for two years at public universities. After two years, tuition could only increase once per year and at a rate no larger than the growth of inflation. Any hike in university fees would require a majority vote of students. If the lawmakers go against this bill public universities will be like going to a private college, you might as well go to a private college because it will be almost the same price as going to public colleges. Also with the recession going who knows what’s going to happen, and people wouldn’t be able to college anymore.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Post War Help

The Editorial “Post-war help for families” talks about post partum depression of soldiers when they return from war and finding help for them. Too many of them return home only to live their very own nightmare. These veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan put up with psychological scars the eye won't see, but their wounds often reach deep into their core with overwhelming consequences. The soldiers coming home no matter from war, training or other experiences they may encounter should be required to go under evaluation. The government should keep record of these soldiers and as times and years pass by they should do evaluations and get them in their to see how they doing emotional and mental in their daily lives, and always offer a ear when they want to talk . For example, my father is a Vietnam veteran and he never received any counseling after the war, he was in some serious fighting over there and he never talked about. Now after all these years he is actually talking to a counselor and trying to get thru it. They thing he said that made him have flashbacks or memories was when the first reports of the Iraq war when he heard all the gun fire and the bombs going off , he said that he froze and had flashbacks. So, know when he able to talk about a least there are more advance in therapy to treat these war soldiers. So if the government is able to catch and treat these soldiers right after they come home and at home maybe we can have less families struggling to deal with post partum

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Austin School Tax Increase

I was reading the editorial about Austin school district tax increase: Voters should approve pay raises for teachers by the EDITORIAL BOARD. When I was reading this editorial it was a little confusing and is a catch 22. I agree that voters should approve pay raises for teacher and other full time staff. When voters vote “yes” on this it will raise property tax in Travis County so teachers and staff will get a raise, the school district will get a better percentage out of the tax to pay for these raises. So let say the teachers and staff live in Travis County ( which almost all of them do) they have to pay the higher tax , when they do they are paying for their raises , because the money that they are paying on higher taxes is going to the district, in which is giving them the raises. So it a catch 22 for the teachers and staff in the district to pay these taxes, they would be paying for their own raises, it goes in circles they more money they get in raises they have to pay higher taxes. I am all for giving raises to teachers and other staff, they are teaching these children, these children our country future. When it comes to raises Travis County should have to come up with maybe a better way of does this without it play a catch 22 for these teachers.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Texas Falling Gas Prices

The retail of gasoline prices keep dropping across Texas as crude oil prices fall on world markets. This means great news for Texans. This means that people finally afford to put gas in their tanks. This article gets me excited because every day I drive from south Austin all the way to Round Rock by IKEA. I have been car pulling and trying not to drive as much on the weekends, just trying to safe as much money as I can. I tell everybody remember the days that we all used to pay like a $1.98 and when we used to fill up on $20 dollars of gas and that was great, instead of paying $60 dollars for a tank. For now I really hope that the gas prices keep on falling and falling so that we can one day reach that goal of filling up our gas tanks for $20 dollars once more! Then maybe once that keeps moving then people will start saving money and then maybe we can help our weak economy. Then finally I can afford to by some awesome groceries. The Link is